Tuesday, September 18, 2007

NPR Report on Motorcycle Makers Responding to Noise Complaints

When it comes to Harley-Davidson motorcycles “loud pipes save lives” seems to be the battle cry of the masses. When I first rode a HD it was running Screamin’ Eagle slip-ons and I thought them loud, though enjoyable, at the time.

When I bought my Sportster Custom I looked into the Screamin’ Eagle option and was told by the dealer rep that those pipes “weren’t very loud.” They seem plenty loud to me and I know it would annoy my neighbors to be running anything much louder than stock up and down our suburban street. The greatest benefit I see in the Screamin' Eagle pipes is in torque and horsepower, as shown in the dyno chart.

National Public Radio just produced a segment on the topic of loud pipes including comments from representatives of The Motor Company. The biggest concerns are the “noise laws” communities including New York City, Denver, and Lancaster, PA are passing against loud pipes. The concern is this becomes a slippery-slope that leads to further regulation of the sport.

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Anonymous said...

Loud pipes are completely obnoxious. I live in the city and I am so tired of listening to them. If they get outlawed, and I get quiet, but a bunch of you get killed? Well, then a bunch of you get killed. Too bad.

It's pathetic that so many of you enjoy being so obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

I do not agree with the previous comment. Look, the bottom line is that the noise is very disturbing. It is a violation of my rights for peace and quiet. I'm not advocating anything to prevent motorcycle enthusiasts from riding their bikes. I have friends that have bikes. I do not begrudge people for riding their bikes, but they can do it more quietly. There are two responses to the "loud pipes save lives" argument. First, if loud pipes were necessary for safety, every bike would be required to have them. Second, if biker's riding styles necessitated loud pipes, perhaps they shouldn't ride. In other words, if you're driving like a jerk, don't ride!! Drive defensively and we won't have any problems.

Jeff said...

Well both comments are ridiculous the first one was motorcyclists to die and the second makes it seem like its the bike that causes the wrecks. First of all most bike/car wrecks are the car didn't see or hear the bike, second why should be need to regulate our pipes when cars can have aftermarket pipes that sound like a pissed off bumble bee that are just as loud and big four-wheel drive trucks that are louder. You people only attack our culture because you fear it you think everyone on a bike are horrible people, you dont know that a lot of people are doctors, lawyers, teachers, being part of the biking community breaks down walls I dont care if your black white green or yellow. and I enjoy my loud pipes because pussies like you hate it

David said...

Loud pipes can have a benefit. I've ridden quiet bikes and louder bikes. The drivers responding to this post don't realize the dangers on the road, they are safe in their "cages" and probably oblivious to a lot of what goes on around them. If they get in an accident they've the protection of the car. That said, there are loud pipes and there are stupid loud pipes. If you're pipes set off car alarms and you're not being respectful of the people around you then you're just adding to the negative stereotype.