Speeding into Oncoming Traffic Two Up on a Ducati …
The near 15 minute freeway chase scene in the Matrix Reloaded raised the bar for this type of action sequence. The interaction of characters, vehicles, and camera angles is truly amazing. This is the first film that almost organically captures the action by weaving in, out, and under the traffic.
Much of the sequence involves action in, on, and around cars and SUVs but it truly heats up when the vinyl clad Trinity takes the Keymaker for a head-on ride through oncoming traffic on a black Duacati 996. The blend of live stunts and computer graphics (cgi) is clean and does not create an artificial barrier between the audience and the action, but draws in the viewer.
In addition to the riding and driving the sequence includes the typical highly stylized Matrix martial arts, choreographed by Yuen Wo Ping. The only change I would make to the freeway chase scene is to have Neo arrive on a Harley Davidson Nightster, barreling down the highway at super speeds with guns blazing.
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