Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Kick-Ass Motorcycle Scenes in the Movies: Deja Vu

While I’m in between motorcycles and riding I thought I’d write about some of the most kick-ass motorcycle scenes in movies. Now “kick-ass” can imply many things, crazy stunts, expert riding, unique machines, etc. At times I may write about kick-ass movies that would have likely been more kick-ass with a motorcycle scene.

The first installment is just such a movie, Deja Vu staring Denzel Washington as an ATF agent investigating an act of domestic terrorism in New Orleans (no, it’s not the Administration’s handling of Katrina). What makes this movie kick-ass is the extreme geeky undertones mixed with explosions and gun play. If you’ve seen the trailer you probably don’t realize how truly geeky this movie is; make no mistake, there’s a fairly reasonable discussion of folding the space-time continuum (a.k.a., time travel). It’s not as accurate or in-depth as the explanation on the tenth dimension but still, it’s pretty kick-ass for a Hollywood movie.

Bad news, there’s not much in the way of motorcycle scenes in Deja Vu – a chase scene with a Harley Davidson Nightster would have made this movie even more kick-ass but even so, it’s worth checking out.

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